On July 13th I had luck to visit the BMX World Chanpionship (Snipes BMX Worlds 2013) which took place at Jugendpark Cologne.
The contest gathered nearby 400 professionals and amateurs of this extreme sports art. During the whole BMX-weekend (12.-14.07.2013) around 12.000 viewers came to watch and support the athletes.
The championship consisted of 5 disciplines — street, dirt, vert, flatland and park — and took place at (logically) five areas, from which we have visited two.
The impressions are absolutely positive — athletic guys with well developed shoulder muscles, fancy haircuts and a crazy charge of adrenaline in their blood doing tricks that make your heart stand still…
It looks like the guys have some wings, so that all the craziest tricks are easy-peasy done. Some of them had to «kiss» the ground though …
Also there were some participants from Russia, who (in my very honest and objective opinion) gave some hell of a show.
Sunny weather, driving music and a great company (I was there with my friend Insa) did their thing — the day turned out totally well. And that’s of course the reason for posting this little photo report from this event.
Have a nice & sunny new week and do some crazy things sometime… :)
- BMX Flat 1
- BMX Flat 2
- BMX Flat 3
- BMX Flat 4
- BMX Flat go on
- BMX Wolrds Profis
- BMX Sergey (russian profi again)
- BMX Sergey (russian profi)
- BMX Park 1
- BMX the crowd
- BMX from the back
- BMX Park
- BMX heading to the ground
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX color experience
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX girls me&insa
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX rest
- BMX support
- BMS hurts
- BMX ouch
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX Worlds 2013 Cologne
- BMX waddap?
- BMX Worlds Cologne 2013