Cities and countries | Helen Herst
Venice: La Serenissima, or the modern Atlantis
Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go. Venezia è come mangiare tutta in una volta una scatola di cioccolatini al liquore. Truman Capote, Observer, 1961 17th of April for the first time in my life I visited the country I have long dreamed about – Italy. Namely, […]
My vacation in Saransk
My recent trip to Russia began with the flight Vienna-Hamburg-Moscow, which was enjoyable and relaxing. Again I was surprised by the noticeable difference between Europe and the Motherland just after getting out of the plane. Here I got involved into purely Russian cramped and pushing passport control. «I’ve got a baby here!», «And I have one […]
Cordoba. A journey back in time.
On March 11th of 2011, I went to the south of Spain, to Andalusia region. This was my first trip, organized not by myself or my friends, but by the organization of European exchange students ESN. Early in the morning (about 9) a bus full of students of the Carlos III University started from Madrid. […]